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Archive for February, 2018

How Your Website Analytics Should Guide Your Marketing Content

Talk about walking the walk! I am writing this post after reviewing analytics data from the Andigo website and learning what you – our audience – are most interested in. I recommend you do the same. It’s a little tough to do with raw data. For example, you can look at data from the whole year, but…MORE >

Content Marketing: Sell Solutions, Not Stuff

If you’re selling stuff, you’re selling yourself short. Stop sending emails and social media posts saying, “If you’re struggling with X, we can help.” Your prospects get that same email ten times a day from you and all of your competitors. They didn’t believe the first one, and the won’t believe the last. Instead, focus…MORE >

Sales Matter, but There are Other KPIs for Your Content Marketing

Ideally, you have a system in place that allows you to connect the content your prospects consume with the progress they make through your funnel and, ultimately, the sales that are generated. That’s where the rubber meets the road and generating leads that create revenue is the most important role marketing plays. Your marketing efforts…MORE >

Your Website’s Main Menu is Wrong

Your prospect has better things to do than visit your website. (If they don’t they’re probably not making any money, making them a less-than-stellar prospect …) So when prospects come to your website, do you think they care more about you or about solving the business issue they’re having? If you think they care about…MORE >