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Archive for October, 2017

Marketing Truths: You Are Not Your Prospect

Your website and other digital marketing is only as effective as your message. And your message is only  effective if it speaks to your target audience. If your message is geared toward your needs – rather than your prospects’ – converting traffic to sales is going to be very difficult. If the mismatch is bad enough, attracting traffic…MORE >

Marketing Starts with Business Strategy

Marketing, whether the digital marketing that we focus on or marketing more broadly, is about a whole lot more than sell sheets and social media. As Target Marketing Editor-in-Chief Thorin McGee put it recently, “Marketing starts [with] business strategy.” In other words, if you’ve isolated yourself in some marketing silo that only every once in…MORE >

Why Search on Your Website Matters

On all but the smallest of sites, you need to have a good search experience teed up and ready to go. This has as much to do with the help it can give you as for the help it can give your site visitors. Making content easy to find for site visitors has obvious advantages:…MORE >

Website Analytics – Basics to Build On for Digital Marketers

If you’re not using Analytics on your website, chances are your excuse is that it’s too daunting to wade into all that data. (It can’t be because of cost – Google Analytics is free and it’s sufficient for most small businesses.) Analytics doesn’t have to be daunting, though. There are a few simple metrics worth paying…MORE >