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Archive for May, 2015

Online Advertising and Encouraging Engagement

About three quarters of consumers in the US do more multitasking while watching TV ads than while watching digital ads. That’s either fantastic news for online advertising or a poorly worded survey question. (If you’re still multitasking but not doing so “on another device” is that really any different?) Either way, the survey, Deloitte’s Digital…MORE >

Is Online Advertising Getting Better?

Nobody likes advertising, except when it rises to an art form. (Think budget-busting Super Bowl ads.) And even then, well, one person’s treasure is another’s trash. In part this is because advertising is either forgettable, as in much of the local print advertising most of us see, or it’s intrusive, like the broadcast TV model….MORE >

Increasing Engagement in Content Marketing

My monthly piece for Biznology is now live on that site. If you’re interested in getting more of your audience to engage with the content in your content marketing programs, you’ll want to have a look at my recommendations for converting casual site visitors and social-media followers into actual customers. There’s more to it than “just”…MORE >

Convenience in Content Marketing

Audi is beginning a pilot program that will allow consumers in Germany to select their car trunks as the delivery address for goods ordered from Amazon. This caught my eye for a couple of reasons, not least of which is $500 electronic “keys” on most new cars now finally making (some) sense. More important from…MORE >